Map – Necromantic Chambers

With half an eye to the DDC’s current shenanigans I’ve made this necromantic set of chambers that may host some form of undead minister or official. It includes some side crypts, some ominous gargoyles, and a lovely spiky bone throne.

It could be used as a mini-dungeon, or scene of a heist – or a setting for roleplaying an encounter with something old but not quite dead enough to ignore. As usual I’ve shared the original DAM file on Steam at . This gridless map is sized for 28×34 including its border, but use whatever works for you. Have fun.

Apparently I’m Of Note

There were several rounds of “Haven’t I seen you somewhere?” and “Have we met?” before we settled down to the newest thing that I’ve drifted into. The ‘thing’ being a member of the new Surrey Police LGBTQ+ Advisory Group. So, yeah, that’s happened. In another blow to my persistent imposter syndrome I’ve been asked to volunteer some time, and I do actually seem to have some experience and viewpoints that make a useful contribution.

It was mostly a getting to know each other and agreeing terms of reference and expectations thing, but there was a positive buzz in the room and some qualified enthusiasm – I shall see what it turns into, but anything that helps better the communities I’m in is worth a try.

I even got a nice welcome card, and that will probably end up getting lodged with the Surrey History Centre in due course so it doesn’t get lost down the back of the sofa.

It still feels odd to be seen as someone who can contribute to these sort of things. Hopefully nobody will mistake me for some kind of community leader