NPC – Luma

I couldn’t not make a token for Hope’s younger brother. Towering over most of the DDC at a height of 6’7″, Luma is a Bone Knight. These are fanatical paladins of the Blood of Vol who were sealed into magical necromantic armour to allow them to marshal and control the undead forces of the Karrnathi army. When the war ended, the King directed the disbanding of the Emerald Claw and the decommissioning and sealing away of most of the undead troops they had raised in defence of the realm. A large number of the Emerald Claw refused to lay down their arms, and fled – fearing persecution. Led and controlled by the lich Lady Illmarrow, the Emerald Claw are a rogue element in the fragile post-War peace. Luma’s armour cannot be removed without killing him.

Luma has largely been focused on protecting his family and other Karrnathi refugees since the war. He leads a troop of a dozen Karrnathi undead soldiers who act as the crew of his ship – “The Whisper”