DDC – Drowning By Numbers

We picked up this week’s game with the invasion of Einnaer’s Rest by scattered remnants of a Kraken’s forces. The village was flooded by a kraken priest, a deep scion had stunned half the group, and a sea hag was trying to drown Hope. Desperate measures were needed to turn the tide as dozens of sea spawn and sahuagin continued to emerge from the sea.

Arwan was in the thick of things, and continued to defend himself, whittling down his assailants despite being literally out of his depth in the surging sea waters. Thorin dove back into the water and pulled Hope away from the sea hag onto one of the roofs. The hag was in close pursuit. Things rapidly changed however when Valenia was able to take down the kraken priest. It broke the enchantment that had raised the sea level, dropping most of the invaders, and a couple of the DDC some twenty foot to the soaked ground below.

From here, Kerne was able to pivot from holding off sea spawn with judicious use of shield spells to directing a whirlwind across the enemy forces. The destruction was so intense that a house was destroyed – and as the leaders of the invading force were struck down in turn, many of the sea spawn and sahuagin turned and fled.

The DDC and the villagers were still tending wounds and picking up wreckage and body parts when an imposing figure arrived from the docks with a retinue of twelve troops. As they got closer, these troops were identified as Karrnathi Undead Soldiers under the command of a Bone Knight – a fanatical Karrnathi paladin sealed into necromantic armour. He was also Hope’s younger brother – Luma.

The conversations that followed began as quite stilted, with Luma unsure if Hope was truly clear of the machinations of Derroghast. As introductions continued, he began to ease and become more personable, at least a little. He revealed that he had been sent my His Lady with a message. He revealed that someone present had manifested a dragonmark of Death. He did not know who, but Lady Illmarrow had bid him welcome them, counsel care, and urge its use in the pursuit of the origins of the Winter’s Knight.

Kerne began asking whether it was possible to pass messages and information to the Lich Queen of the Blood of Vol, and Luma courteously made noncommittal noises until Kerne revealed that they bore the long lost dragonmark. At this point Luma made the commitment to support them as needed, bringing his troops if appropriate or opening doors and providing support from the Emerald Claw if necessary.

And that’s the bombshell we ended on. There’s a lot of deep Eberron lore being bounced around, so I’ll try and do some non-spoilery lore drops and explanations as we go along..!