DDC – Voyage Into Mystery

Once more, the DDC rallied themselves and went looking for trouble. With the arrival of Luma, there were a variety of options available if only for transport. They had a couple of days to regroup and catch their breath but thoughts turned inevitably to the ongoing threat of the Winter’s Knight. Kerne was very keen to research her dragonmark, but opportunities were limited on the island.

The gnomish shipwrights announced that they would be leaving shortly – at least that’s what the DDC gleaned from the extremely rapid speech directed in their direction. With no small amount of relief, the DDC instead opted to travel with Luma. His ship, The Whisper could travel through the islands and then follow the northern coasts west towards the Eldeen Reaches.

The gnomes left, with a series of clouds of smoke, small explosions, telescoping sails, and one or two small pieces falling off their ship as they went. By contrast, the Whisper sailed expertly and unbothered. The harsh northern storms lashed the craft, but with the undead crew ignoring the elements, the DDC was able to shelter below decks. Hope taught Thorin how to cook, using a notebook of recipes gifted by their mother. Kerne studied, Arwan prayed and debated with Luma to learn more of the tenets of the Blood of Vol, and Valenia fished. Coal played hosted card games in quiet moments, but was banned from gaming for money.

The ships food and water stores were supplemented by Arwan’s divine spells, meaning that the ship didn’t need to stop to trade or forage – and about a week into the journey, the DDC agreed with Luma’s suggestion that it would only be a relatively minor detour to take Kerne to the libraries of Castle Illmarrow for more information on their dragonmark.

By the end of the second week, the snow and ice of the Fingerbone Mountains could be seen against the northern skies. The Whisper docked quietly and without fanfare in the necropolis port that nestled below the bone and ice castle of the lich-queen. Here the living and the dead mingled, while the nearness of the plane of the dead brought a heaviness and ennervating drain on joy and energy. Heraldry of the Emerald Claw hung from walls, motionless Karrnathi undead stood on guard and patrolled, a dull tolling bell marked the hour, and a small cadre of Aerenal elves could be seen walking with pale-faced and heavily robed figures in the distance.

Thorin and Coal headed straight for the nearest bar – Biers – and were offered a choice of “Breathing or Non-breathing” for their seating. Valenia wandered off into the darkened streets, and the rest of the DDC began to wonder what they should be doing next…