Health and Fitness

I joined our local gym a few weeks ago, driven by doctors’ nagging and a growing dissatisfaction with my general health and appearance. I’m pleased to report that the combination of near-daily 30-45 minute cardio-heavy sessions and a renewed focus on logging at least 10,000 steps a day is paying off. Weight is starting to shift, and a routine is starting to suggest itself.

That said, I did overdo things the other day by throwing some weights into the mix – for the first time in maybe nine or ten years. Although I thought I’d been reasonable in my starting weight selections, the pain in my upper arms the last couple of days would suggest an over-extension or two. If it wasn’t so painful I’d no doubt find it as funny as Lady M does.

Speaking of the redoubtable Lady, she too has taken the plunge today and joined up too. She’s booked into a yoga/Pilate’s/body balance session already. I shall limit myself to the gym while she attends her class. Anyone wishing to talk to us afterwards may find themselves trying not to laugh at our synchronised groaning.

It will be worth it. It will…


The Charleesi has reached that time in her life where she has started to consider what comes after her A-Levels. Actually, that’s not entirely true, she’s been thinking about it for a while, it’s just that the process of looking at universities has begun in earnest this week.

Over the next few weeks, accompanied by either myself or her mother, the Charleesi plans to visit the places she is considering for reading her degree. I’m both relieved and bemused by how far and wide she’s looking. Relieved because her proposed choices are based on the courses of study and reputation rather than proximity to home and familiar territory; bemused because of how much travelling is lined up this month as a result.

This week saw the first visit, to Exeter. It’s one of the places I looked at when I was her age, so when I next see her I’ll be interested to hear what she made of it and how it has changed since my visit. For now, I have the photos she’s sent me and the chatty messages describing her journey.

If I had any doubts that she’s grown to be a formidable young woman, her excitement and focus in arranging her itinerary and areas of proposed study would have firmly dispelled them. I couldn’t be prouder, and I must admit to being envious. My recollection is of being nowhere near as driven and organised as she is.