NPCs – Illmarrow Citizens

The DDC are currently docked at the town below the bone and ice castle of Lady Illmarrow. It is a town frequented more by the undead than the living, but it is also a stronghold of the cult known as the Emerald Claw. The Claw may have information they need. Within the darkened streets and corners of Illmarrow Docks reside some strange individuals – and here are two of them: The Mask – a skeletal assassin, and Archivist Dhaur, a deathlock.

Mask is a tool of the Lady Illmarrow – a silent and eerie killer that appears and disappears. There may be more than one of these beings, but no one has ever seen more than one at a time. This has led to some speculation that Mask is a convenient disguise for something more dangerous than a Karrnathi skeleton. Armed with a keen-edged cutlass, clad in patched leather armour, and face covered with a cloth hood made of metallic threads, who knows where it will turn up.

Archivist Dhaur was a warlock pledged to the Lady Illmarrow, but he betrayed his patron to keep a rare and enchanted set of scrolls for himself. His light fingered approach to tribute had already angered the Lich Queen, and so she withdrew her favour. Dhaur died, and in punishment the Lady raised him to an undead state to serve on a much tighter leash. Dhaur now resides at the House of Discovery, minding the treasures he sought to keep for himself at the pleasure of his ruler.

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